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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is your view on branded video content?
    Branded video content is any type of video that is created for the purpose of promoting a brand or product. This can include commercials, product demos, brand films, social media videos, and other types of content that are designed to increase brand awareness and drive sales. Branded video content can be produced by a company's in-house marketing team or by an outside production company, and can be distributed through various channels such as TV, online platforms, and social media. The main goal of branded video content is to connect with the target audience and create an emotional connection with the brand, product or service.
  • Where do you make the video recordings?
    We record in our own studio and we can record on location. We are therefore not bound to 1 location and therefore, we can also produce at events, fairs or from your own office.
  • What is the difference between B2B video communication or B2C communication?
    B2B video communication is more informative, educational and professional and is geared towards decision-makers, while B2C video communication is more emotional, entertaining, and creative and is geared towards a broad audience of consumers.
  • Who are your customers?
    Our customers are diverse, but they see the great power of moving images in combination with the (brand) story. They know that there are new laws to score through social channels and that there is a build-up in the frequency and length of the videos regarding the connection and brand loyalty. With this, you build a qualitative and very selective target group, which will become larger and more loyal to your brand over time. WM Studios (formerly Streamstudio) works for:
  • How do I edit or remove the “FAQ” title?
    You can edit the title from the Settings tab in the app. If you don't want to display the title, simply disable the Title under “Info to Display”.
  • The target group is increasingly difficult to reach, so how do they know about our videos?
    The target group is in the driver's seat. Regular or mass media overshoots are targeted. That is why it is necessary to know which media are selective towards the target groups. To draw attention to the business video content, we also provide teasers. In this way, you optimize the reach via the right media. So we also think along with you. Actually, we think that every video from 3 minutes deserves a good announcement. We also make a lot of snippets and short teasers from interviews which we then use later to draw attention to a video, the site or any other communication. In this way, we optimize every moment that content is shot, also for making announcements. So effective and efficient.
  • When do I use video content marketing?
    Video content marketing can be an effective way to reach and engage your target audience, and there are several situations when it may be particularly useful: - Brand storytelling: Video can be used to tell the story of your brand and create an emotional connection with your audience. - Event coverage: Video can be used to document and promote events, such as conferences, trade shows, and product launches. - Live streaming: Video can be used to create a live-streaming event to promote the brand, products or services, and to interact with the audience in real-time. - Social media: Video is particularly effective on social media platforms, where it can be used to create engaging and shareable content that will help increase your reach and visibility. - Email marketing: Incorporating video in email campaigns can increase the open and click-through rate, as well as the time spent on the email.
  • I am a communication manager and would like to know what video content can best be used for.
    For marketing managers, there are several types of video content that can be effective for different marketing objectives. Some examples include: Product demos: Product demos are a great way to showcase the features and benefits of a product or service, and can be used to generate interest and drive sales. Brand storytelling: Video can be used to tell the story of a brand and create an emotional connection with the audience, which can help to build brand loyalty and drive conversions. Live streaming: Live streaming can be used to generate buzz around a brand or product and create a sense of urgency, and can also be used to interact with the audience in real time. Social media videos: Short-form videos are particularly effective on social media platforms and can be used to create engaging and shareable content that will help increase reach and visibility.
  • A branded video is also a generic message, isn't it? Why more bonding?
    A branded video is a type of video that is created to promote a specific brand or product. While it may convey a generic message, such as the benefits of a particular product or service, the goal is to create a strong emotional connection between the viewer and the brand. This can be achieved through storytelling, creative imagery, and other techniques. Additionally, Branded videos are a powerful tool to build a strong bond with the audience or customers by using storytelling, relatable characters, and emotions. It helps the audience to see how the brand is relevant to their lives and how it can help them to solve their problems. This can lead to increased brand loyalty and trust among the audience or customers.
  • Een bedrijfsvideo is toch ook een generieke boodschap? Hoezo dan meer binding?
    Wij passen de video helemaal aan op jouw klant en op jouw merk. Wij produceren onze video’s zo dat het maximale effect wordt bereikt. Als er gewerkt moet worden aan de naamsbekendheid, dan is dat een heel andere aanpak dan als je communiceert met een doelgroep die al heel loyaal is aan jouw merk. Door te laten zien dat je de doelgroep begrijpt en/of aanvoelt ontstaat er meer binding met je merk.
  • What is a call sheet?
    A call sheet is a document used in film and television production that provides the cast and crew with important information about the schedule, locations, and other details for a particular day of shooting. It typically includes details such as call times, scenes to be shot, cast and crew members scheduled to work that day, and contact information for key personnel. It is typically distributed by the assistant director or production manager and is considered an essential tool for keeping production running smoothly.
  • What is a shot list?
    A shot list is a document used in film and television production that outlines the specific shots that need to be captured during a particular scene or sequence. It typically includes details such as the shot number, shot type (e.g. close-up, wide shot), camera angles, and any special instructions or notes. It is typically created by the director and the director of photography (DP) during pre-production and is used as a guide during filming to ensure that all necessary shots are captured. The shot list can also be used as a reference during post-production, to ensure that all necessary footage has been captured and to help with the editing process.
  • What is a bumper?
    A bumper is a short segment of video or audio that is typically used to separate different parts of a television or radio program or to provide a transition between different segments of a program or commercial break. Bumpers are often used to create a sense of continuity or flow within a program and can include elements such as music, sound effects, voiceovers, or animation.
  • What is NDI?
    NDI (Network Device Interface) is a technology developed by NewTek that allows video and audio signals to be transmitted over standard Ethernet networks. It allows video devices such as cameras, switchers, and recorders to be connected and controlled over a network, instead of requiring dedicated video cables. This enables more flexibility and scalability in video production, as well as the ability to access and control devices remotely.
  • What is a shooting script?
    A shooting script (or production schedule), refers to a document that outlines the schedule and logistics of a film or television production. It typically includes details such as call times, cast and crew assignments, locations, and other important information for each day of shooting. It serves as a guide for the production team and helps to ensure that everything runs smoothly and according to plan.
  • What is a Chat?
    A Chat can be used during a broadcast. This is public and viewers/participants can ask their questions or respond to certain fragments here. At WM Studio's, the chat is often answered by the clients because we usually do not have knowledge about the subject. It is of course about the specific parts that we include for our customers.
  • What is a script?
    Talk show scripts are written for talk shows, interviews, and other programs that feature guests and host discussions. They typically include information about the guests, the topics to be covered, and any necessary dialogue or voiceover.
  • What is a total shot?
    A total shot (also known as a master shot or a wide shot) is a type of shot in film and television production that captures the entire scene or location. It is typically used to establish the setting or to give the viewer a sense of the overall context of the scene. A total shot is usually taken with a wide-angle lens and is typically captured from a distance so that the entire scene can be seen in one shot. It is generally shot first during the filming process, before moving on to closer shots such as medium shots, close-ups, and extreme close-ups. The total shot is also known as establishing shot.
  • What is an intro and an outro?
    An intro is a beginning sequence of a video, audio, or podcast that is designed to introduce the program, set the tone, and provide context for the content that follows. It can include music, sound effects, animation, or other elements that are used to grab the viewer's attention and prepare them for the main content. An outro, on the other hand, is the closing sequence of a video, audio or podcast that wraps up the main content and prepares the audience for the end. It can include music, sound effects, animation, or other elements that are used to signal the end of the program and to leave a lasting impression on the viewer. An outro can also include credits, announcements, or call-to-action messages. It usually lasts for a few seconds to a minute.
  • What is an Autocue?
    An autocue, also known as a teleprompter, is a device used to display a script or text for a presenter or actor to read while on camera. It is typically used in live television and video production, as well as in public speaking and other situations where a presenter needs to deliver a prepared speech or script without the use of notes or written text.
  • What is a zoom?
    Zoom is used to make images more vivid or dynamic. We can zoom in and zoom out. This ensures that the attention of the viewer stays with it because there is always something happening. It also indicates that something is about to begin or end.
  • What does Animation/Motion graphic background mean?
    Animation and motion graphics refer to the use of moving images and graphics to create visual interest and convey information in a video or digital production. A background in animation and motion graphics would typically include training and experience in creating animated elements, such as characters, settings, and special effects, as well as the use of software tools to design and edit the animation.
  • What is an after movie?
    An after-movie is a short film or video that recaps an event's highlights and key moments, such as a concert, festival, or conference. After movies often include footage of performances or presentations, as well as interviews with attendees and organizers. They are usually created after the event has taken place and serve as a way for people who could not attend the event to experience a part of it, or for people who attended to relive the memories. They are often shared on social media, on the official website of the event, or on streaming platforms.
  • What are starters?
    Instarters include videos/sound fragments that are shown during the recordings and/or the broadcast. This can set a certain tone or be an introduction.
  • What is a lavalier?
    A lavalier microphone, also known as a lapel microphone, is a small, clip-on microphone that is often used in video production and live events. It is typically worn on clothing, such as a lapel or collar, and is connected to a recording device or sound system via a cable.
  • What is ENG?
    ENG (Electronic News Gathering) camera crew refers to a team of professionals who use specialized equipment to gather and produce video news content for television or online news outlets. The ENG camera crew typically includes a camera operator, a sound technician, and a field producer, who work together to capture and edit footage on location.
  • What is L3?
    Also known as the lower third and is a moving title in which the name of the speaker is put and the person's title. This is then played when the person in question introduces himself and comes into view. The time that the L3 is on screen can be adjusted so that it does not become disturbing.
  • What is a ticker?
    In broadcasting, a ticker is a scrolling text message or graphic that is displayed on the bottom or top of a television or computer screen, often during a news or sports program. Tickers are used to convey breaking news, weather updates, stock market information, or other important information to viewers.
  • What is a PPM?
    A pre-production meeting is a meeting held before the actual production of a film, video, or audio project begins. The purpose of the pre-production meeting is to bring together key members of the production team to discuss and plan all aspects of the project, including budget, schedule, cast, crew, locations, equipment, and logistics. During the pre-production meeting, the team will review the script, storyboard, shot list, and other production materials, and discuss any necessary changes or adjustments. They will also review the budget and schedule, and discuss any potential issues that may arise during the production process. The casting process will also be discussed during this meeting. The pre-production meeting is an important opportunity for the team to get on the same page and ensure that everyone is aware of the project's goals, objectives, and expected outcomes. This will help to minimize confusion, delays, and other issues that may arise during the production process. Pre-production meetings can also be held in the form of video calls, in case of remote working or physical distancing measures.
  • What is a mood board?
    A mood board is a visual representation of the overall aesthetic and style of a project. It is a collage of images, text, and other design elements that are used to convey the overall mood and feel of a project.
  • What is a Call to Action?
    A call to action (CTA) is an instruction or message that prompts an immediate response or encourages a viewer to take a specific action. This can include things like visiting a website, signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or downloading a piece of content. CTAs are often used in marketing and advertising to encourage potential customers to take a desired action.
  • What do you mean by visually enhancing content?
    Visually enhancing content refers to any type of content that is designed to be visually appealing and engaging to the viewer. This can include things like photographs, videos, infographics, and other types of media that are designed to grab the viewer's attention and hold it. Visually enhancing content can be used to convey information, tell a story, or simply be aesthetically pleasing. This type of content can be used in a variety of contexts, such as on websites, social media, and in advertising. The use of visually enhancing content can help to increase engagement and interest in the content, making it more likely that the viewer will remember the information or take the desired action.
  • How does a green screen work?
    A green screen, also known as a chroma key, is a special effects technique that allows filmmakers and video producers to superimpose a subject onto a background that is different from the one that the subject was originally filmed in front of. The process involves filming the subject in front of a solid-coloured background, typically green or blue, and then using software to remove that background and replace it with a different image or video. The reason green and blue are the most popular colour choices is that they are less likely to be present in human skin tones, hair and wardrobe than other colours. The process of removing the background is done by using chroma key compositing software. This software compares each pixel in the image to the colour of the background, and if it matches, it removes that pixel and replaces it with the corresponding pixel from the new background. The end result is that the subject appears to be in a completely different location or situation than they were originally filmed in. This technique is widely used in movies, television shows, and other video productions to create realistic special effects without the need for expensive sets or locations.
  • What are the benefits of a green screen?
    A green screen, also known as chroma keying, is a technique used in video production that allows the background of a shot to be replaced with a digital image or video. The benefits of using a green screen include: - Increased flexibility - Cost-effectiveness - Consistency - Weather independence - Virtual background - Enhanced special effects
  • Why a green screen studio?
    With a greenscreen wall, it is possible to project a design of an environment that does not exist. The most famous is the wall in front of which the weatherman stands. But because of our working method, you are not standing in front of a wall, but you are really in the middle of your own studio. Besides the enormous creative possibilities it offers, it also has many practical advantages. - the design is always adaptable - you are more flexible with a digital design - production costs are lower compared to having a physical set built - there are no storage costs
  • I hear that a recording always takes a very long time? Wouldn't it be very expensive per video?
    The studio is taken for an entire day. Our workflow makes it possible to record between 6 and 8 shots in one day, depending on the length of the videos. This is possible because we have coordinated everything in our pre-production phase (PPM) and agreed on what happens in production. That saves a lot of time and we are a well-trained team in our own studio, which also helps to deliver fast, but above all, good productions. Due to our working method and preparation, during the recording day, everything should be set, therefore, the only thing left is the recording. You no longer need to think about the shape, the setting, camera angles, etc. Everything is known and ready. Because waiting is what we do as little as possible!
  • What does it cost to recording for a day?
    We have a starting rate of € 2,950 for a studio day. If we calculate back to the costs for one episode for a large day production, it is often around € 650. That is an all-in rate, that is our total pre-production, production and post-production. But making effective and productive recordings is mainly a matter of good coordination and a good pr production meeting (PPM). That's where the biggest profit is made when it comes to creating effective and efficient business video content. The more we can produce in one day, the cheaper it will be per delivery. However, we prefer to focus on the bottom line, because the actual costs will be lower if the desired reactions come from the target group.
  • Do you have standard rates?
    We do not make standard work, so there are no standard rates. It is good to know that the rate that we charge is all-in: we do not charge per camera or per lamp, we calculate total production because we are not a facility company.
  • What are the advantages of a green screen studio on location?
    With our flexible studio, you add an extra dimension. The possibilities are endless with this green screen studio on location. At the moment supreme, you are there to capture the most important moments and to talk to guests/visitors/invitees in your own digital studio. Two birds with one stone, with which you can compile a lot of business content with the recorded conversations. The dynamics that appear on the video during a live event are unique. You can never imitate that in a studio. It is an authentic image that you convey to every guest who is not there or who wants to see it again later!
  • What is a studio on location?
    A studio on location refers to a temporary or mobile studio set up in a specific location, rather than a permanent or fixed studio. This type of studio can be used for photography, video production, or other types of media production and is often set up in places that are difficult or impossible to replicate in a traditional studio setting. Examples include outdoor locations, historical buildings, or other unique locations.
  • Do you really have your own studio or do you rent a room with equipment?
    We have our own studio with our own equipment. We have invested a lot in this and we are also aware of exactly what we have in-house. We have sufficient parking space for our guests and of course a nice common room for lunch, meetings, or to prepare for the recording. We feel at home where we work and our customers quickly feel at home too. And that is important because if you're comfortable in your own skin, it benefits the recording. We also have a bit of fun.
  • Why WM Studios?
    Because you get a total production in-house with us. Not just equipment or not just a studio space. We advise and realize a professional production that does full justice to the brand. We have a professional crew ready for this every day, from make-up to editing, from production assistant to moderator coach! And you can see the results in your own business video. A professionally produced video that presents your brand in the right way.
  • Why makes a video gain popularity?
    A picture says more than a thousand words. Because of the enormous improvement in image and sound on all devices (smartphone, laptop, tablet), the target group can view video content almost anywhere and at any time. We respond to this by tailoring our productions as much as possible to the target group and to the means of viewing. For example, the length of a video is very important, but the format also matters. How the message is best conveyed, always remains the starting point for us during production.
  • I read about multiple sets, why do you need them?
    Because not every presentation/message is the same, presenting requires a different set compared to an interview. The dynamics also influence the design of a set. Just think of the difference between a talk show setting and how the 8 o'clock news is presented, for example. It is therefore very important what is needed in terms of visually enhancing content to support your story. It is therefore not a must, but more whether it is necessary.
  • Why should I consider a digital studio instead of a 'normal' studio?
    There are several reasons why you may want to consider a digital studio over a traditional studio: - Flexibility - Cost-effectiveness - Scalability - Remote production - Technology advancements - Virtual backgrounds - Efficiency

Video production news


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